Privacy Policy

Collection and Use of Personal Information

Personal information is data that can be used to identify or contact a single person.

You may be asked to provide your personal information anytime you are in contact with Crestview Capital or an Crestview Capital affiliated company. Crestview Capital and its affiliates may share this personal information with each other and use it consistent with this Privacy Policy. They may also combine it with other information to provide and improve our products, services, content, and advertising. You are not required to provide the personal information that we have requested, but, if you chose not to do so, in many cases we will not be able to provide you with our products or services or respond to any queries you may have.

Here are some examples of the types of personal information Crestview Capital may collect and how we may use it:

What personal information we collect When you register for an account, contact us or participate in an online survey, we may collect a variety of information, including your name, mailing address, phone number, email address, contact preferences. In certain jurisdictions, we may ask for a government issued ID in limited circumstances including when setting up a wireless account and activating your device, for the purpose of extending commercial credit, managing accounts, or as required by law. How we use your personal information The personal information we collect allows us to keep you posted on Crestview Capital latest product announcements, profile updates, and upcoming events. If you don’t want to be on our mailing list, you can opt out anytime. We also use personal information to help us create, develop, operate, deliver, and improve our products, services, content and advertising, and for loss prevention and anti-fraud purposes. We may use your personal information, including date of birth, to verify identity, assist with identification of users, and to determine appropriate services. For example, we may use date of birth to determine the age of Crestview Capital ID account holders. From time to time, we may use your personal information to send important notices, such as communications about changes to our terms, conditions, and policies. Because this information is important to your interaction with Crestview Capital, you may not opt out of receiving these communications. We may also use personal information for internal purposes such as auditing, data analysis, and research to improve Crestview Capital products, services, and customer communications. Cookies and Other Technologies

Crestview Capital websites, online services, interactive applications, email messages, and advertisements may use "cookies" and other technologies such as pixel tags and web beacons. These technologies help us better understand user behavior, tell us which parts of our websites people have visited, and facilitate and measure the effectiveness of advertisements. We treat information collected by cookies and other technologies as non personal information. However, to the extent that Internet Protocol (IP) addresses or similar identifiers are considered personal information by local law, we also treat these identifiers as personal information. Similarly, to the extent that non-personal information is combined with personal information, we treat the combined information as personal information for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.

Ads that are delivered by Crestview Capital advertising platform may appear in Crestview Capital Press. If you do not wish to receive ads targeted to your interests from Crestview Capital's advertising platform, you can choose to enable Limit Ad Tracking, which will opt your Crestview Capital ID out of receiving such ads regardless of what device you are using. If you enable Limit Ad Tracking on your mobile device, third-party apps cannot use the Advertising Identifier, a non-personal device identifier, to serve you targeted ads. You may still see News based on context like your search query or the channel you are reading. In third-party apps, you may see ads based on other information.

Crestview Capital and our partners also use cookies and other technologies to remember personal information when you use our website, online services, and applications. Our goal in these cases is to make your experience with Crestview Capital more convenient and personal. For example, knowing your first name lets us welcome you the next time you visit the Crestview Capital Client Area. Knowing your country and language helps us provide a customized and more useful experience. Knowing someone using your computer or device for a certain product or used a particular service helps us make our advertising and email communications more relevant to your interests. And knowing your contact information, hardware identifiers, and information about your computer or device helps us personalize your operating system and provide you with better customer service.

As is true of most internet services, we gather some information automatically and store it in log files. This information includes Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browser type and language, Internet service provider (ISP), referring and exit websites and applications, operating system, date/time stamp, and clickstream data.

We use this information to understand and analyze trends, to administer the site, to learn about user behavior on the site, to improve our product and services, and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole. Crestview Capital may use this information in our marketing and advertising services.

In some of our email messages, we use a “click-through URL” linked to content on the Crestview Capital website. When customers click one of these URLs, they pass through a separate web server before arriving at the destination page on our website. We track this click-through data to help us determine interest in particular topics and measure the effectiveness of our customer communications. If you prefer not to be tracked in this way, you should not click text or graphic links in the email messages.

Pixel tags enable us to send email messages in a format customers can read, and they tell us whether mail has been opened. We may use this information to reduce or eliminate messages sent to customers.

Disclosure to Third Parties

At times Crestview Capital may make certain personal information available to strategic partners that work with Crestview Capital to provide products and services, or that help Crestview Capital market to customers. For example, when you activate your account by SMS, you authorize Crestview Capital and your carrier to exchange the information you provide during the activation process to carry out service. If you are approved for service, your account will be governed by Crestview Capital and your carrier’s respective privacy policies. Personal information will only be shared by Crestview Capital to provide or improve our products, services and advertising, it will not be shared with third parties for their marketing purposes.

Service Providers

Crestview Capital shares personal information with companies who provide services such as information processing, extending credit, fulfilling customer orders, delivering products to you, managing and enhancing customer data, providing customer service, assessing your interest in our products and services, and conducting customer research or satisfaction surveys. These companies are obligated to protect your information and may be located wherever Crestview Capital operates.


It may be necessary − by law, legal process, litigation, and/or requests from public and governmental authorities within or outside your country of residence − for Crestview Capital to disclose your personal information. We may also disclose information about you if we determine that for purposes of national security, law enforcement, or other issues of public importance, disclosure is necessary or appropriate.

We may also disclose information about you if we determine that disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce our terms and conditions or protect our operations or users. Additionally, in the event of a reorganization, merger, or sale we may transfer any and all personal information we collect to the relevant third party.

Protection of Personal Information

Crestview Capital takes the security of your personal information very seriously. Crestview Capital online services protect your personal information during transit using encryption such as Transport Layer Security (TLS). When your personal data is stored by Crestview Capital, we use computer systems with limited access housed in facilities using physical security measures. Data is stored in encrypted form including when we utilize third-party storage.

International Users

All the information you provide may be transferred or accessed by entities around the world as described in this Privacy Policy. Personal information, relating to Crestview Capital services, regarding individuals who reside in a member state of the European Economic Area and Switzerland is controlled by Crestview Capital Distribution International in Ireland, and processed on its behalf by Crestview Capital. Crestview Capital uses approved Model Contractual Clauses for the international transfer of personal information collected in the European Economic Area and Switzerland. Crestview Capital, as a global company, has a number of legal entities in different jurisdictions which are responsible for the personal information which they collect and which is processed on their behalf by Crestview Capital.

Our Commitment to Your Privacy

To make sure your personal information is secure, we communicate our privacy and security guidelines to Crestview Capital employees and strictly enforce privacy safeguards within the company.

Updated on March 21, 2023